
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Episode 5: Unicorn Tears and the Founding Fathers
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
The use of a commonplace book is one of the key ingredients in the recipe for a more productive, persuasive, and prosperous life. I know it is hard to believe that something like a commonplace book ("It's just a notebook, Joey!") can truly transform so many areas of your life, but it can. It has changed my life and it changed the life of our Founding Fathers, and it changed the lives of so many of the great people in history. Keeping a commonplace book is a significant part of any true classical education. Classical education cannot genuinely be classified as classical if it doesn't require the keeping of a commonplace book. I know from my own experience of the impact on my ability to remember, my ability to speak persuasively, my ability to communicate more clearly and confidently, and my desire to fill my noggin with the very best writings of the very wisest people. Why unicorn tears? I have no idea. I don't know the chemical composition of unicorn tears that makes them better suited for making paper than say a Sasquatch. I don't know. Why that specific elevation? Again, I don't know. But I DON'T CARE! I just know it works, guys. Find your notebook. Find your pencil. Begin today the habit that will insensibly transform you into a person of influence. I don't mean, necessarily, global influence, but influence in your home, in your school, in your sphere. Don't forget to share your thoughts about today's commonplace book quotation by writing them as a comment to this video. I'll do the same with mine. Ponder it for a while. Run it 'round the old noodle. Then, please, please share your insights with me as a comment to this video. I guarantee you that if you begin this practice, it is a habit you will have for a lifetime because the benefits are so quickly seen. Besides, who doesn't want to write? It's so bizarre that we can make little scratches, little lines, and have them create thoughts inside someone else's mind! That's mind-blowing!

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Episode 4: I GUARANTEE You’ve Never Heard This
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Is America a democracy? Is America a republic? Is America Atlantis? Is Atlantis underneath the pyramids? Of all the rights protected by the Constitution, there is only ONE THING that is guaranteed. People love saying "We're a republic" and "We're not a democracy, we're a republic." Both of those statements are WRONG! And that's not my opinion (my opinion doesn't matter), that's the plain text of the Constitution! Do y'all know how much freer we'd be if people actually READ the Constitution they claim to revere and actually READ the Federalist Papers they snatch quotations from? Imagine everybody knowing what the Constitution means by "a republican form of government." What is a republic? I lose MY MIND (I know, not a great loss) when people call the United States a "nation," too. That's another thing that we aren't. Nope. Not a nation. It's so easy to know these things if people knew what the word "Congress" means, if they read Federalist No. 39, 45, and 46. The problem, of course, is that from the time you are four or five years old, you're taught that the United States is "one nation" and the flag stands for "the republic." And guess what: NOT TRUE! And guess what else: I clear all of it up by drinking from the sources and leaving the mucky downstream water for other podcasts. If we knew the true intended constitutional relationship between the states and the federal government, we would be so much freer and so much more peaceful. But, maybe there are people that don't want us peaceful and free. Hmmmm. Join me as we explore the concept of a republican form of government guaranteed to each state and the crucial role the Federalist Papers played in defining the United States as a confederation of sovereign republics rather than a consolidated nation. As we journey through these sources, we'll uncover the vision of the Founding Fathers and the rationale behind ensuring the sovereignty of the states. We'll discuss how the Founders carefully crafted the Constitution, incorporating mechanisms to safeguard individual liberties and limit the power of the federal government. Central to this idea is the guarantee in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, which mandates that every state be provided a republican form of government. Drawing upon the wisdom of James Madison in the Federalist Papers, I'll explore their arguments against a consolidated national government. These influential essays were instrumental in shaping public opinion and securing the ratification of the Constitution. I'll highlight key Federalist Papers, such as numbers 10, and 39, that discuss the importance of maintaining a confederation of sovereign republics to prevent tyranny and protect the diverse interests of individual states. I'll address debates surrounding the balance of power between the states and the federal government and the ignorance about the power and purpose of the Tenth Amendment. And what about the GUARANTEE? Why is that guarantee not being enforced by the states? Probably because no one knows what it even means anymore because for the most part people don't get taught the truth about the Constitution and the history of the Founding of the United States. OOH! Which reminds me: "For" or "of." You should comment whether your pocket Constitution has "For" or "of" on the cover. And if you don't think "for" or "of" matters, let me ask you this: would you rather have a million dollars FOR you or a million dollars OF you? Think about it. It matters and it's just so infuriating because these publishers -- and the dadgum NATIONAL ARCHIVES could just look down to the last line of the Preamble and find the correct word! C'mon! And, I mean, do you know another podcast where James Madison shows up just to hang out and talk and just chill? No. You don't. I have him on exclusive contract. He gets a little annoyed that I touch his ponytail, but I mean, it's a dude with a ponytail. And he's 272 years old. You'd touch it, too! Like, share, and subscribe to my channel to stay informed and engage in stimulating discussions about the ideas that form the foundation of our country and Western civilization! Nobody has signed up for a rap battle. I don't know why people are so afraid of my freestyle skillz. Yeah, I spelled it with a z because that's how FRESH my freestyle rhymes are! I wonder if anybody would be interested in a little personal library? You see, if you get this far you'll know that whoever becomes the 1,000 subscriber will get a starter library of Founders Recipe books from me as a gift. The easy way to make sure it is you is to get everybody you know to subscribe and make sure it's someone YOU recommended becomes the 1,000th subscriber.

Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Episode 3: Education or Seduction?
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
What makes me such an expert? I not only read all the books, I wrote some of them! I almost became a college dropout after ONE WEEK! Why the sweater vest? Education: What it is SUPPOSED to be. Education: What is IS. Lead out vs. Lead away Education vs. Seduction Latin roots What does "school" mean? Classical education Who runs school and why do they do it so poorly? School at the time of the Founding Fathers Founding Fathers education Have we been taught WHAT to think or HOW to think? What do we do about teachers who aren't good at it? Enlarged or cramped? Who's doing what to my mind? Homeschool history Were you taught how to spot a tyrant? Were you taught how to remove one? Where you taught why you should remove one? If not, you weren't educated, you were seduced. Climb the mountain Story Time with Uncle Joey Adam Smith Why is school just so terrible? Homework was once evidence of a terrible teacher Time to study, time to play Ah, etymology Etymology of school and education How old is Joey... really? The Federalist Papers The Founders Recipe Who is Steve and what is his last name? No, Steve, I didn't look at the assignment board! You will not believe how beautifully I sing You won't believe it, because it isn't true So, well done! I can juggle, though. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? There's nothing about that in this video, I just really want to know. Richard Price has nothing to do with whales. Richard Price and education Education and school School was meant to be easy, leisurely, and restful... just like it is today! If you read that last sentence and agreed with it, you need to put down your device and go take a nap, you're delirious. Seriously. Call your doctor. What degree is madness? 98.7... yep, just a little feverish. Will the Real James Madison please stand up? Please stand up. Please stand up. Bet you didn't know I could freestyle? My first rap battle opponent: will it be YOU? No one has read this far. I'm just making myself laugh at this point.

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Episode 2: Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Every one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence knew months before they met at the Second Continental Congress that just by showing up they were committing treason. They knew the brutal and inhumane punishment that was waiting for them if their effort to break away from Britain were to fail. But guess what: THEY DID NOT CARE! These weren't men who could be frightened by some feckless little "king" or his tyrannical proclamation. No. These were MEN, men who knew that every generation must pay the price of freedom and it was their turn. They did not hesitate to put their lives, their money, and their reputations on the altar of liberty. In this video I highlight the stories of a few of the men who suffered terrible consequences as a result of their fearless patriotism. There is no way to say enough or do enough to show our gratitude to these 56 men and to their families, some of whom endured unspeakable treatment at the hands of the British army. It's time that we start paying the cost of freedom. For generations, we have eaten the fruit of trees we didn't plant and have drunk water from wells we didn't dig. It's time to start planting and start digging. Do you know liberty enough, love liberty enough to risk your life, fortune, and sacred honor to restore it? Do you trust that Divine Providence will strengthen us and sustain us and support us in this endeavor? This July 4th, please take the time to read the Declaration of Independence with your families and give thanks for men who cared more for freedom than for wealth and comfort.
"O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country love And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine!"

Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Episode 1: Don’t Call It A Comeback!
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Guess who's back... back again. Joey's back. Tell a friend! Tell all your friends! The Founding Fathers like you’ve never known them! What government did they INTEND to create and where did they get the idea? This ain't like the old podcast, guys. This is all new and, of course, ALL TRUE! Come be a part of the new generation of Sons of Liberty! This is where you’ll find the truth behind not only WHAT is in the Constitution, but WHY those things are in there. You’ll learn how our Founding Fathers became the great men they were. You’ll learn the TRUE source of our rights. You’ll learn why liberty is so valuable and how to protect it. You’ll learn about the men whose writings influenced our Founding Fathers. You’ll learn stories from history you’ve never heard before. You’ll learn WHY you've never heard them before. You’ll learn facts about American history that have been purposefully hidden from you. You’ll laugh.. a lot… I hope with me and not at me, but we’ll see!
You’ll learn about Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece and how much those societies influenced our Founding Fathers. You’ll learn what education is SUPPOSED to be. You’ll learn what SCHOOL is supposed to be and why you hate it, but should love it! You’ll learn about the Federalist Papers and the Anti-federalist Papers and why their predictions are so accurate! You’ll learn Latin and Greek roots that will make history come alive. History will come alive! For the first time, history WILL NOT BE BORING! You’ll learn how to spot a tyrant a mile away and how to prevent them from taking power. You’ll learn the sources behind the Declaration of Independence. You’ll learn the sources behind the Constitution. You’ll learn why those sources should matter to you. You’ll learn philosophy in a way that will enlighten and encourage you. You’ll see bobble heads talk to each other! Founding Father bobble heads will have arguments! You’ll have beverages. Yep. Beverages. You’ll learn what a commonplace book is and why you should keep one. You’ll learn the names of people that were always quoted by our Founding Fathers, but are forgotten now: Livy, Polybius, Plutarch, Tacitus, Sidney, Trenchard and Gordon, Pufendorf, de Vattel, Beccaria, Harrington, etc. You’ll learn what time of government the Constitution created and WHO created it! This is the first episode, but I'm going to continue making these until there is no longer a reason to teach about liberty, virtue, and how you can't have one without the other. Seriously, guys, this is an entirely new approach to my podcast. These episodes will be like being in my office and just hanging out together, talking about these timeless principles of liberty, rights, tyranny, virtue, and vigilance. Like and subscribe and tell everyone you know to do likewise. Let's see if we can't get the good stuff in this podcast shared and give ourselves a shot to restore our liberty before it’s too late. Come with me. Let’s light this candle! Like, subscribe, do all the things that will help the cause of liberty grow!

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Lies, Hypocrisy, and Blasphemy: All In A Day’s Despotism
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
The word “pandemic” is a word with a meaning and knowing that meaning might help clear up some confusion about our current situation.
The president was sworn in today. I’ll examine the unusual atmosphere at that ceremony, as well as discuss details of the presidential oath of office.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
The Election is Over! Right?
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
If you want a republic, you have to have reliable, trustworthy elections, otherwise, you have some other kind of government with people PRETENDING to live in a republic.
Which is it?

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Oath of Office: Don't Bring God into Your Tyranny, Mr. President!
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
In this episode I examine the historical origin of the presidential oath of office and I explain why our Founding Fathers made sure that no president would have to swear an oath to God.
Then, I go over the difference between "swear" and "affirm."
Finally, why swearing is probably not a good idea for modern presidents.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Who Would the Founding Fathers Vote For? Here's the Surprising Answer!
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Whether this is your first time voting or you voted for Nixon, this episode will help you view the upcoming elections in a brand new light: the light of history.
Using the books that the Founding Fathers read, I reveal the standard they used for deciding who was worthy of their vote.

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Flus and Freedom: How Governments in History Have Dealt with Deadly Plagues
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
We aren't taught true history any more so most of us aren't aware that there have been pandemics throughout history and we can learn A LOT about what our government is doing and WHY by studying those past plagues and the government policies that followed them.