
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Episode 15: We Are ALL Being PLAYED!
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Once again, Uncle Joey back with a story you've never heard. A story that as soon as you hear it you'll understand why you've never heard it. This is the story of Pisistratus, the Men of the Hills, the Men of the Plains, and the Men of the Coast. Political parties that formed in Athens after Solon wrote their constitution. You will see how there is a one group that never seems to suffer from the riots, the plagues, the protests, the damage to property, the fires, the crime. And you'll find out who they are and how they're able to escape all of that. You'll learn some new tactics of tyrants. You'll hear how we haven't learned in 2,600 years! These were once names that our Founding Fathers knew and stories they were taught as children. Not anymore. We can teach them, though, and our children can be like that Founding Generation and tear down the walls of the palaces of the tyrants. #Solon #pisistratus #pisistratos #menofthehills #athens #menofthecoast #menoftheplains #tyranny #aristotle #constitutionofathens #plutarch #plutarchslives #herodotus #herodotushistories #polybius #ancienthistory #politicalparties #publicschool #trenchardandgordon #catosletters #davidhume #hume

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Episode 14: The Words THEY Don’t Want You to Hear
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
With all due apologies to John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, I am replacing the last episode with this one. That last one was just unwatchable, y'all, and those boys deserve more than that. Trenchard and Gordon's Cato's Letters were the "dress rehearsal for the Revolution" and there is NO WAY I would be forgiven for my transgression against them had I not rerecorded the episode devoted to them. Trenchard and Gordon were more often quoted by the Founding Generation than John Locke, but you would never know that. After you watch this episode, you'll understand why Cato's Letters will NEVER be taught to American children. Our Founding Fathers read these letters when they were children. Benjamin Franklin wrote a bill suggesting that American schoolchildren be given Sidney and Cato's Letters to learn to read and write English well. Can you imagine what would happen if we had a generation of little children raised with Trenchard and Gordon's Cato's Letters instead of Harry Potter? I can and it's GLORIOUS! But, as the Good Book says, "Many are called, but few are chosen." Forgive me, my friends, for the audio in that last episode and for thinking that it was OK to let it be published. It wasn't. I'm sorry. And here I present to you what I believe to be a fitting tribute to John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, and to the words that meant so much to our Founding Fathers: Cato's Letters. #trenchardandgordon #catosletters #cato #johntrenchard #thomasgordon #foundingfathers #foundersrecipe #history #ushistory #catosletters #americanhistory #truehistory #foundinggeneration #colonialeducation #earlyamericaneducation #education #independentwhig #tandg #influencesonthefoundingfathers #foundinginfluences #thefoundersrecipe #classicaleducation #constitution #tyranny #tyrants #freedomofspeech #freedomofthought #freedomofthepress #liberty

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Episode 13: The Glorious and Charming Sound
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Not an ironic title, but certainly coincidentally funny! I am so sorry about the audio. It's fixed now, though, and guys, the message in this episode brought to you by Trenchard and Gordon is straight FIRE! These guys do not miss and I hope you don't miss this episode. Cato's Letters were found in more libraries than John Locke and were reprinted in every colonial newspaper. There would have been no War of Independence if our Founding Fathers hadn't read John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon's Cato's Letters as children. That is a FACT! One historian said that for our Founding Fathers, Cato's Letters was the "dress rehearsal for the revolution." #trenchardandgordon #catosletters #cato #republican #americanhistory #ushistory #johntrenchard #thomasgordon #history #London #americanrevolution #foundingfathers #warforindependence #tyranny #truehistory

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Episode 12: We Didn’t Start the Fire
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Over 2,300 years ago Aristotle warned us how republics are silently and slowly destroyed from the inside. You will NOT believe how accurately Aristotle predicted our own day! Book V of his Politics reads like it was written today. We must learn from Aristotle's warnings so that we can restore our liberty and return our country to the foundation of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence before it is too late. #aristotle #politics #aristotlephilosophy #ancientgreece #ancientgreekphilosophy #history #constitution #teacherofliberty #joewolverton #foundingfathers #conspiracy #athens #greek #liberty #influencesonthefoundingfathers #politicalparties #tyranny

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Episode 11: It’s Time to TCB and RGC!
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Ever heard of a good dictator? You're about to! Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, known to history as Cincinnatus, was a dictator of Rome. Oh, and a farmer. A poor farmer. Watch this episode and learn why our Founding Fathers studied the history of Rome and how it's obvious in their character that they knew and admired Cincinnatus. Would you be willing to walk away from absolute power if it was willingly offered to you? I hope now you know why George Washington is called "The American Cincinnatus." Use that little factoid at your next cocktail party. Impress somebody. Some nerd. It really is time to TCB and RGC, guys. The time for hoping has gone. #cincinnatus #dictator #romanrepublic #republicofrome #ancientrome #ancienthistory #farmer #livy #dionysius #tcb #RGC

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Episode 10: Are We THAT Crazy?
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
In Federalist 46 James Madison said Americans would NEVER be crazy enough to elect tyrants and to not only elect them, but to send them money so they could keep oppressing us. Um... about that. Fortunately, Mr. Madison in Federalist 46 gave us a plan of resistance that will enable us to force the federal beast back inside its constitutional cage! (TM) If you're tired of hearing people talk about the problems, but never offering solutions, this is the podcast for you, my friend! #history #federalistpapers #jamesmadison #federalist46 #truehistory #constitution #foundingfathers #Madison #ratification #constitutionalcrisis #federalism #states #10a #stategoverment #tyranny #tyrants

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Episode 9: Forgotten Founding Father
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
You are NOT going to want to miss this one, guys! St. George Tucker is a forgotten Founding Father and a man whose life and example are beyond compare. Start reading his book View of the Constitution of the United States and you will IMMEDIATELY discover why THEY don't want you reading his book! St. George Tucker. This month is his 271st birthday, so celebrate by reading his stuff. You can get his book free online from Liberty Fund. #forgottenfoundingfather #foundingfathers #stgeorgetucker #stgeorge #tuckersofvirginia #collegeofwilliamandmary #williamandmary #constitution #truehistory #law #bermuda #famouspeoplefrombermuda #stgeorgetucker #tucker #tenthamendment #10A #secondamendment #2A #battleofyorktown #battleofguilfordcourthouse #nathanielgreene #quakers #joewolverton #teacherofliberty #ushistory #americanhistory #history

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Episode 8: The Sound of Silence
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
These are a couple of stories I guarantee you've never heard (unless you're my former student). You will NOT want to skip this one. Trust old Uncle Joey. These stories will CHANGE.YOUR.LIFE! Today. Yep. Today you'll be better than you were yesterday. #history #truehistory #quaker #agrarian #china #ancientchina #farming #silence #quotesaboutsilence

Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Episode 7: This is Sparta!
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Sparta. Sparta. Sparta. This is the show you've all been waiting for! Sparta, Lycurgus, Thermopylae, the 300, all the things that are Sparta. Even spartan things. Should I be laconic about Sparta? Virtue, valor. That was Sparta. All things Spartan in this episode. Plutarch and Polybius together give us a very clear and complete picture of Lycurgus and Sparta and simplicity and virtue and becoming good little by little and loving simplicity and hating luxury. Too much luxury makes you lazy and too much laziness makes you sick in body and mind. Ah, Sparta. Where have you gone? Did I mention this episode was about Sparta?

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Episode 6: ”Feel My Pulse”
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Algernon Sidney. Algernon Sidney. Algernon Sidney. Algernon Sidney. OK, so I guess you know who this episode is about: Algernon Sidney! I call him Colonel Sidney (he was a colonel in the English army and I'm the son of a soldier, so I do that out of respect). You can call him Uncle Algy or whatever you want, just put some respect on his name! He is one of the men who most influenced our Founding Fathers. Algernon Sidney so profoundly influenced our Founding Fathers that they used to have memorials every year remembering his execution and at one of those in 1820, the speaker said, "Algernon Sidney is an American name." That's because of the invaluable and incalculable contribution Algernon Sidney made to the founding of the United States. His book, Discourses Concerning Government was called "the handbook of the Revolution." Jefferson called it the best book written on the subject of government and natural rights in any language ever! He also said that as soon as young people could read, we should put this book in their hands. Let's do that! I hope you can feel how much this video means to me. I truly admire, revere, and respect Colonel Sidney, and any opportunity I get to tell people about him is a great blessing. I am blessed to know about him, to have read his books (he wrote two, as well as a couple of essays), and to get to tell his story to Americans who are no longer taught about him or the things he wrote. That has all changed now! Remember to look up the Trial of Algernon Sidney, the Apology of Algernon Sidney, and the Algernon Sidney's Letter to the Sheriff on the Scaffold. You'll be blown away by all three and you'll instantly see why he was one of the men most admired by our Founding Fathers. Make sure to write down the commonplace book quotation and PLEASE make sure to comment and share and like and do all those other things. But most of all: PLEASE COMMENT! I want to get to know the people I'm talking to and the only way we can do that using this medium is if y'all comment on the videos. So, help an old man feel good and comment and then comment some more!