
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
The Time Has Come
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Shall we hang together or shall we all hang separately? You won't want to miss this episode.

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Episode 23: Is It Salt or Sugar?
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
There is no way we recover our liberty if we do not learn its value. And there is no way we learn its value unless we read those books where that value is revealed. We have allowed the tyrants to control what we learn and they have substituting salt for sugar in the recipe and we've just come to tolerate the taste. We aren't educated anymore. We're merely moved through a system that serves to teach us unquestioning obedience to strangers. Unfortunately, when it comes to school, our parents reward us for obeying the strangers and the strangers get paid according to their willingness to use salt instead of sugar in the recipe known as curriculum. We cannot be free if we follow this recipe. We will all welcome children into a land increasingly wicked and increasingly tyrannical until we decide to do the hard things that are required of those who would enjoy so "celestial an article" as liberty. I've done my best to select writings from the authors most often quoted by our Founding Fathers. You can get my book before such things are no longer allowed for sale. Tyrants will not allow us to continue teaching things that, if read and understood, would topple them. This is the work to which I've devoted my life. I know without doubt these authors taught our Founding Fathers the value of liberty and how to detect despots and how to rid your society of them. We can read these books and learn likewise. That's the entire purpose of this book: The Founders Recipe. You can get it on Amazon or Barnesandnoble.com. I make next to nothing from the sale of these books, but I didn't write the book to get rich, I wrote the book to get rid of tyrants. https://a.co/d/20emVfF

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Episode 22: Marathon and the Tooth That Changed the Course of History
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
The Battle of Marathon is the reason you speak English, have representative government, and are free to worship according to the dictates of your own conscience. You owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Callimachus, Miltiades, and the rest of the unnamed Athenian soldiers who bravely stood in defense of their (and YOUR) life, liberty, and property. That small stretch of beach is a tiny hinge upon which the whole of history swung and it swung in our favor FOR SURE! #battleofmarathon #history #ancientgreece #ancienthistory #joewolverton #teacherofliberty #marathon #persia #persianwars #darius #callimachus #athens #greece #tyranny #truehistory #miltiades #sparta #immortals #battles #pivotal

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Episode 21: Demosthenes: Previous Upload Cut Off Early
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Demosthenes: a young man that would not shut up and sit down. He was not about to let a weak voice and a stammer keep him from rousing his spirit and raising his voice in defense of the liberty of his country. This guy is one of my favorites. Cicero makes you want to applaud, Demosthenes makes you want to grab a sword! A lot of y'all ain't gonna like this one very much, but it's my podcast and I'm fixing to call 'em like I see 'em. And I won't be apologizing, so don't come at me. Demosthenes was 33 when he delivered these speeches and they are STRAIGHT FIRE! I wish these things weren't so applicable to our time. We have got to stop waiting for "the right time." This is the right time and we need to start taking our liberty seriously enough to defend it. You can vote yourself into tyranny, but you have to fight yourself out. Remember, try and think what is something about modern-day tyrants that makes them powerful, but at the same time makes them vulnerable? Demosthenes says that is one key to planning how to defeat them. #demosthenes #athens #ancientgreece #ancientathens #philipofmacedon #philippics #foundingfathers #alexanderthegreat philipthegreat #war #greek #ancientgreek #isocrates #joewolverton #teacherofliberty #podcast #worldhistory #classicaleducation

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Episode 21: Demosthenes: ”Rouse Your Spirit”
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Demosthenes: a young man that would not shut up and sit down. He was not about to let a weak voice and a stammer keep him from rousing his spirit and raising his voice in defense of the liberty of his country. This guy is one of my favorites. Cicero makes you want to applaud, Demosthenes makes you want to grab a sword! A lot of y'all ain't gonna like this one very much, but it's my podcast and I'm fixing to call 'em like I see 'em. And I won't be apologizing, so don't come at me. Demosthenes was 33 when he delivered these speeches and they are STRAIGHT FIRE! I wish these things weren't so applicable to our time. We have got to stop waiting for "the right time." This is the right time and we need to start taking our liberty seriously enough to defend it. You can vote yourself into tyranny, but you have to fight yourself out. #demosthenes #athens #ancientgreece #ancientathens #philipofmacedon #philippics #foundingfathers #alexanderthegreat philipthegreat #war #greek #ancientgreek #isocrates #joewolverton #teacherofliberty #podcast #worldhistory

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Episode 20: All About the Benjamins
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
On this day in 1774, the First Continental Parliament met in Philadelphia. NO, IT DIDN'T! But do you know WHY it's called "congress" and not "parliament?" You're fixing to find out! Emmerich de Vattel's Law of Nations was carried around by every member of the Continental Congress, according to Benjamin Franklin. Why? Why would guys from one nation need a book about international law? Hmmmm. What does Emmerich de Vattel have to do with calling it Congress and not Parliament? EVERYTHING! Perhaps more than any episode to date, today's episode will make it VERY CLEAR why the things that I teach -- things like Emmerich de Vattel's book Law of Nations -- are NEVER taught in school anymore. These rules and these guidelines, if they were never taken from us ON PURPOSE by men conspiring to deprive of us of our liberty, could have prevented so much poverty, so much war, so much division, and so much debt. IF. Well, it's time we take back our education so we can take back our liberty! This story is one of those that has the potential to change the malfunctioning of our governments in ONE GENERATION! If we teach this story and its implications to our children, then they will know, just as our Founding Fathers knew, the value of liberty, the value of words, and the necessity of using the right word at the right time in the right way. We can do this, guys. #joewolverton #teacherofliberty #devattel #emmerich #emerdevattel #lawofnations #foundingfathers #history #congress #firstcontinentalcongress #otd #continentalcongress #truehistory #warforindependence #revolutionarywar #declarationofindependence #edmundburke #burke #bristol #parliament #law #contractlaw #fourcorners #principalagency #constitution #construction #education #ushistory #americanhistory

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Episode 19: Tully and the Tyrants
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Cicero telling off the tyrants, regardless of their party. Cicero delivered his first Philippic (named after the speeches of Demosthenes against Philip of Macedon) on September 2, 44 B.C. and it was straight SAVAGE! He not only calls out Mark Antony for all his crimes against the people, the republic, and the constitution, but he tells the senators that by doing nothing to stop him they are just as much to blame as he is. Marcus Tullius Cicero. The Founding Fathers quoted Cicero all the time and more often than not they called him Tully (an anglicized) version of his last name, Tullius. This is Cicero speaking with the freedom and fire of a man who knows what he's saying is going to get him killed. He will go down speaking truth to the those who had sworn an oath to defend the constitution. #cicero #tully #marcustulliuscicero #antony #markantony #marcusantonius #ancientrome #romansenate #juliuscaesar #deathofcaesar #triumvirate #ancienthistory #foundingfathers #philippics #firstphilippic #cicerophilippics #plutarch #suetonius #joewolverton #teacherofliberty Some links I mentioned in the podcast: My article on the First Philippic: https://thenewamerican.com/us/culture/history/for-pity-s-sake-what-is-this-voluntary-slavery-cicero-delivers-his-first-philippic/ Plutarch, Life of Antony: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A2008.01.0007 Plutarch, Life of Cicero: https://www.bostonleadershipbuilders.com/plutarch/cicero.htm Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0132%3Alife%3Djul.%3Achapter%3D1 Cicero's Philippics: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Cic.+Phil.+1

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Episode 18: Will There Be Mourners at the Funeral?
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Hannibal. Carthage. Rome. Hamilcar Barca. Second Punic War. Battle of Saguntum. Battle of Lake Trasimene. Battle of Canae. Battle of Zama. Scipio. Quintus Fabius. Fabian. Delay. George Washington the "American Fabius." Elephants. Unladen African elephants. Laden African elephants. Donner and Blitzen. Thunder and lightning. Crepes. Pancakes. Alps. Really? Over the Alps? Huh. Well, that won't end well. Or will it? (dum, dum, dum). Dictator. Altar. You win battles, but you don't know how to use your victories. Cartagena. Hasrubal. It's only important if it hurts you. You'll only complain when YOUR liberty is taken, ignoring it when its somebody else's. #hannibal #hannibalbarca #secondpunicwar #punicwars #elephants #alps #fabius #fabiantactic #battleofcanae #battleoflaketrasimene #battleofzama #battleofsarguntum #scipio #livy #polybius #romanhistory #historyofcarthage #truehistory #history #tyranny #ancienthistory #rome #ancientrome #worldhistory #hamilcarbarca #resistance #principiisobsta #latin Sources: Livy, History of Rome Polybius, Histories

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Episode 17: You Know It, and I Know It
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE THIS! THIS IS THE EPISODE THAT NEEDS TO GO VIRAL! I don't say that lightly and if you know me, you know I don't boast about my own stuff, but this video is the one to share and put it EVERYWHERE! NOW! I zigged when I was about to zag, y'all. You'll want to put on your seat belts, put your trays away, and put your seats in the upright position, because I'm fixing to GO OFF! This is Cato's Letter No. 42 explained just the way I used to do it in my classes. Well, except for the part where we share insights because we can't really do that using this medium. No problem. Oh! And there's some unboxing of a book haul! And I tried doing it in that ASMRLMNOP thing that the kids seem to like! I was probably unsuccessful. But I hope I was very successful in going through this letter that could not be more timely and timeless. Guys, we have to pay to attention to the stuff in this video if we want our children born into a free country. #catosletters #cato #law #naturallaw #cicero #tacitus #seneca #history #tyranny #tyrant #molonlabe #resistance #foundingfathers #lexmalalexnulla #truehistory #trenchardandgordon #americanrevolution #lexingtonandconcord #secondamendment #keepandbeararms #comegetit #resist

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Episode 16: It’s Just That Simple
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
If you watch this video to the end, you will know more about the formation of the Constitution, the history of its creation, the intended function of the federal government, and the correct constitutional relationship between the federal government and the states than any professor of history or law or Constitution in the country! Easy! There is no need more urgent than the need to know the true history of the origin of the Constitution, the intended function of the federal government, and the correct constitutional relationship between the federal government and the states. Here is the clearest, most concise, and constitutionally sound explanation of those three subjects. Using Maria Pinckney's A Political Catechism, I lay out for you long-forgotten truths about the framing of the Constitution, the intended function of the federal government, and the correct constitutional relationship between the federal government and the states. This information has been kept from us for nearly 200 years! The use of catechism as a teaching method is as old as time, but has been ridiculed and replaced, denigrated and denounced. Now you'll find out why. You'll also find out why these things have been kept from us for so long. Here are the documents available for a $2 donation:
A Political Catechism, by Maria Pinckney
"Union," an essay by the forgotten Founding Father John Taylor of Caroline
Our Federal Government: Its True Nature and Character, by Judge Abel Parker Upshur
The Virginia Resolution, by James Madison
The Kentucky Resolutions, by Thomas Jefferson
The Report of 1800, by James Madison
These are available in modern typeset prepared by me (or a member of my family) in PDF for a $2.00 donation through my PayPal or Venmo. Make sure to include your email address in the donation. If you buy all 6 documents/books, the total cost is $10.00, that's getting one of them for free.
PayPal: @teacherofliberty Venmo: @Joe-Wolverton
#constitution #truehistory #mariapinckney #foundingfathers #statesovereignty #federalgovernment #americanhistory #ushistory #usconstitution #jamesmadison #contractlaw #principalagency #law #nullification #interposition #union #void #fourcorners #draftingoftheconstitution #ratification #constitutionallaw